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Toggl Track

Source documentation for Toggl Track.


To get the available User IDs, please follow this instruction. Only workspace admins can get the User IDs.


Toggl Track's detailed report API does support filtering, and minutes unexplicitly supports filtering by setting, the source-user to the desired user ID, however it is not officially supported yet.

Field mappings

The source makes the following special mappings.

From To Description
Description Summary Toggl Track has no option to set description for entries

CLI flags

The source provides to following extra CLI flags.

    --toggl-api-key string      set the API key
    --toggl-url string          set the base URL (default "")
    --toggl-workspace int       set the workspace ID

Configuration options

The source provides the following extra configuration options.

Config option Kind Description Example
toggl-api-key string API key gathered from Toggl Track1 toggl-api-key = ""
toggl-workspace int Set the workspace ID toggl-workspace = 123456789


  • No precise start and end date filtering is accepted by Toggl Track report API that is used for this source, therefore only ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) date format can be used. In Go it is translated to 2006-01-02 when setting date-format in config or flags.

Example configuration

# Source config
source = "toggl"

# To retrieve your user ID, please follow the instructions listed here:
source-user = "<YOUR TOGGL USER ID>"

# Toggl config
toggl-api-key = "<YOUR API KEY>"
toggl-url = ""
toggl-workspace = "<YOUR WORKSPACE ID>"

# Target config
target = "tempo"
target-user = "<jira username>"

# Tempo config
tempo-url = "https://<org>"
tempo-username = "<jira username>"
tempo-password = "<jira password>"

# General config
tags-as-tasks-regex = '[A-Z]{2,7}-\d{1,6}'
round-to-closest-minute = true
force-billed-duration = true

  1. The API key can be generated as described in their documentation

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