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Source documentation for Harvest.

Field mappings

The source makes the following special mappings.

From To Description
Notes Notes, Summary Notes are mapped to both notes and summary as that was the most meaningful option

CLI flags

The source provides to following extra CLI flags.

    --harvest-account int          set the Account ID
    --harvest-api-key string       set the API key

Configuration options

The source provides the following extra configuration options.

Config option Kind Description Example
harvest-account string The account ID where the API key belongs to harvest-account = 123456789
harvest-api-key string API key gathered from Harvest1 harvest-api-key = ""


  • Harvest does not support tags which makes it impossible to get tasks from tags. A workaround is planned.

Example configuration

# Source config
source = "harvest"
source-user = "<YOUR USER ID>"

harvest-account = "<YOUR ACCOUNT ID>"
harvest-api-key = "<YOUR API KEY>"

# Target config
target = "tempo"
target-user = "<jira username>"

tempo-url = "https://<org>"
tempo-username = "<jira username>"
tempo-password = "<jira password>"

# General config
round-to-closest-minute = true
force-billed-duration = true

  1. Create a new "Personal Access Token" on the developer settings panel. 

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