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Source documentation for Clockify.

Field mappings

The source makes the following special mappings.

From To Description
Tags Task Turns tags into tasks and split the entry into as many pieces as the item has matching tags when tags-as-tasks-regex is set
Task Summary or Description Tasks will be used for defining the summary of an entry; in case the tags-as-tasks-regex is set, Summary will be set to the Description of the item

CLI flags

The source provides to following extra CLI flags.

    --clockify-api-key string      set the API key (default "")
    --clockify-url string          set the base URL
    --clockify-workspace string    set the workspace ID

Configuration options

The source provides the following extra configuration options.

Config option Kind Description Example
clockify-url string URL for the Clockify installation without a trailing slash clockify-url = ""
clockify-api-key string API key gathered from Clockify1 clockify-api-key = ""
clockify-workspace string Clockify workspace ID2 clockify-workspace = ""


No known limitations.

Example configuration

# Source config
source = "clockify"
source-user = "<YOUR USER ID>"

clockify-url = ""
clockify-api-key = "<YOUR API KEY>"
clockify-workspace = "<YOUR WORKSPACE ID>"

# Target config
target = "tempo"
target-user = "<jira username>"

tempo-url = "https://<org>"
tempo-username = "<jira username>"
tempo-password = "<jira password>"

# General config
tags-as-tasks-regex = '[A-Z]{2,7}-\d{1,6}'

round-to-closest-minute = true
force-billed-duration = true

  1. As described in the API documentation, visit the settings page to get your API token. 

  2. To get your workspace ID, navigate to workspace settings and copy the ID from the URL. 

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