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This page documents the available settings for minutes. Please note that not all configuration options are covered by a CLI flag.

Configuration file

Minutes will look for the following places for the configuration file, based on your operating system.

The configuration file name in every case is .minutes.toml.


On Linux/Unix systems, the following locations are checked for the configuration file:

  • $HOME/.minutes.toml
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.minutes.toml as specified by


  • $HOME/.minutes.toml
  • $HOME/Library/Application Support/.minutes.toml


  • %USERPROFILE%/.minutes.toml
  • %AppData%/.minutes.toml

On Plan 9

  • $home/.minutes.toml
  • $home/lib/.minutes.toml

Common configuration

Config option Kind Description Example Available options
date-format string Set the date format in Go specific date format date-format = "2006-01-02"
dry-run bool Fetch entries from source, print the fetched entries, but do not upload them dry-run = true
end string Set the end date for fetching entries (must match the date-format) end = "2021-10-01"
filter-client string Regex of the client name to filter for filter-client = '^ACME Inc.?(orporation)$'
filter-project string Regex of the project name to filter for filter-project = '.(website).'
force-billed-duration bool Treat the total spent time as billable time force-billed-duration = true
round-to-closest-minute bool Round time to closest minute, even if the closest minute is 0 (zero) round-to-closest-minute = true
source string Set the fetch source name source = "tempo" Check the list of available sources
source-user string Set the fetch source user ID source-user = "gabor-boros"
start string Set the start date for fetching entries (must match the date-format) start = "2021-10-01"
table-column-config []table.ColumnConfig Customize columns based on the underlying column config struct1 table-column-config = { summary = { widthmax = 40 } }
table-hide-column []string Hide the specified columns of the printed overview table table-hide-column = ["start", "end"] summary, project, client, start, end
table-sort-by []string Sort the specified rows of the printed table by the given column; each sort option can have a - (hyphen) prefix to indicate descending sort table-sort-by = ["start", "task"] task, summary, project, client, start, end, billable, unbillable
table-truncate-column map[string]int Truncate text in the given column to contain no more than x characters, where x is set by int table-truncate-column = { summary = 30 }
target string Set the upload target name target = "tempo" Check the list of available targets
target-user string Set the upload target user ID target = "gabor-boros"
tags-as-tasks-regex string Regex of the task pattern tags-as-tasks-regex = '[A-Z]{2,7}-\d{1,6}'

Source and target specific configuration

Source and target specific configuration is not covered by this guide. For more information, please refer to the source or target documentation.

Example configuration

# Source config
source = "clockify"
source-user = "<clockify user ID>"

clockify-url = ""
clockify-api-key = "<clockify API token>"
clockify-workspace = "<clockify workspace ID>"

# Target config
target = "tempo"
target-user = "<jira username>"

tempo-url = "https://<org>"
tempo-username = "<jira username>"
tempo-password = "<jira password>"

# General config
tags-as-tasks-regex = '[A-Z]{2,7}-\d{1,6}'
round-to-closest-minute = true
force-billed-duration = true

filter-client = '^ACME Inc\.?(orporation)$'
filter-project = '.*(website).*'

table-sort-by = [

table-hide-column = [

summary = 40
project = 10
client = 10

# Column Config
widthmax = 40
widthmin = 20

  1. The column configuration cannot be mapped directly as-is. Therefore, the configuration option names are lower-cased. Also, some settings cannot be used that would require Go code, like transformers. 

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